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Organisational Structure

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Organisational Structure

The General Assembly is the highest body in the hierarchy of the organisation. Currently the organisation is comprised of 49 members representing diverse ethnicity, gender, geographical regions and walks of life.  The General Assembly brings any amendment in the organisational structure. The General Assembly, which meets each year, also elects the Executive Committee for a period of four years. Presently the Executive Committee is consisting of eight members (4 female and 4 male presently). The Executive Committee is responsible and accountable to General Body for its work and organisational management. This is the body accountable for effective smooth functioning of the organisational activities. The Executive Committee also nominates the Executive Director of the organisation to perform the management functions, guide the staff members and link with donors for partnership. The senior staffs work under the direct supervision of the Executive Director; Project Officers lead the projects in consultation of Executive Director and Programme Coordinators.


Our Team

Executive Board

Pratap Kumar Shrestha, PhD Chairperson

Pratap Kumar Shrestha, PhD is working at SeedChange, Canada as a Program Specialist and provides technical advice to its International Program team and country partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America on seed systems and plant genetic resources relevant to ecological agriculture for smallholder farmers. Dr. Shrestha has a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of East Anglia and Philosophy of Doctorate  in participatory technology development and local knowledge systems from the University of Wales, UK. Dr. Shrestha has been working in agricultural research and development for over 30 years, particularly on participatory crop improvement, biodiversity conservation and utilisation, seed systems and policy, farmer innovation, socio-economic studies, and monitoring and evaluation and impact assessment. Dr. Shrestha led the development of SeedChange’s innovative Seed Security Assessment and Action Plan (SSAAP) methodology. Dr. Shrestha also worked as an advisor helping the Government of Timor Leste draft its National Seed Policy.

Ms. Bal Kumari Gurung Rai, Vice-Chairperson

Ms. Bal Kumari Gurung is working as a Programme Support Team Leader in United Mission to Nepal (UMN). Ms. Gurung has a Master’s Degree in Applied Conflict Transformation Studies from Cambodia. Ms. Gurung has been working in peacebuilding, gender, community development, Participatory Action Research, Team building, etc. for 30 years in the development sector. Ms Gurung is associated with organisations like the International Nepal Fellowship and Young Women Christian Association.

Ms. Sudha Khadka, Secretary

Ms. Sudha Khadka is working as Country Director, RECOFTC Nepal. Ms. Khadka has a Master Degree in Agriculture Science from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Ms. Sudha holds 17 years of expertise in strategic leadership, Livelihood programme and sustainable development, entrepreneurial approach, gender and social inclusion, local innovation, and agricultural sector policy processes at local and provincial level.

Ms. Shrina Maharjan Subedi, Treasurer

Ms. Shrina Maharjan Subedi is working as a Finance Team Leader in United Mission to Nepal (UMN). Ms. Maharjan has a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) specialisation in Finance from India, Master in Charity Management specialisation in non-profit financial management and funding raising from the United Kingdom. Ms. Maharjan has experience on Finance and Funding management-donor relationship and contract management for over 15 years in International Non-Governmental Organisation.

Mr. Sunil Thapa, Member

Mr. Sunil Thapa is working as a Remote Sensing and Geo Information Analyst in ICIMOD Nepal. Mr. Magar graduated in Environment Science from Tribhuvan University and has a Master’s degree Geo Information Science and Earth Observation from the University of Twente, ITC Netherlands. Mr. Magar has 16 years of intensive experience in carbon assessment, carbon mapping, Remote sensing and GIS, mapping and spatial analysis, spatial modelling, natural resource management, and forest fire risk mapping.

Pashupati Chaudhary, PhD Member

Pashupati Chaudhary, PhD is working as Senior Resilient Agriculture Specialist in the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. Dr. Chaudhary has a Master’s in Sustainable International Development and a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Environment Science from Brandeis University and University of Massachusetts respectively. Dr. Chaudhary has extensive 15 years’ of experience in grant writing, research design and execution, knowledge documentation and scientific writing, program management, monitoring and evaluation, policy analysis, climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, food security, and sustainable development disciplines.

Mr. Santosh Khatiwada, Member

Mr. Santosh Khatiwada is working as Senior Partnership Officer (Head of Office) in the United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS) of Lumbini Province. Mr. Khatiwada graduated with a Master's in Development Studies from Pokhara University. Mr. Khatiwada holds 18 years of intensive experience in multilateral agencies focusing on project design and executive, monitoring and evaluation, political economy analysis, community development, and policy analysis in the development and humanitarian sector.

Surendra Kumar Shrestha, PhD, Founder and Executive Director (Invitee)

Management Team

Surendra Kumar Shrestha, PhD, Founder and Executive Director

Surendra Kumar Shrestha, PhD has Master's Degree in Rural Development and Philosophy of Doctorate (PhD) from the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK. Dr. Shrestha graduated with a Master Degree in Business and Administration (MBA) from John Moores University, Liverpool, UK. Dr. Shrestha has 32 years of experience in the development sector including 16 years experience of International Non-governmental Organisation in Nepal with different capacities. Dr. Shrestha has experience in donor relations and fundraising with multiple organisations, organisation development especially social movement of grassroot development, project design monitoring and evaluation and conflict transformation. Dr. Shrestha has served on the Executive Board of NGOs and is an active member of different forums for policy advocacy at National and international levels. Dr. Shrestha has also served on the Felm International Advisory Board and MCC Nepal Advisory Board and active member of Accelerating Localisation through Partnership.Dr. Shrestha is the Founder Chair of Sahas Foundation and has experience in Carbon Finance. Dr. Shrestha received two prestigious medals from His Excellency, First President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav and the Honourable late Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala.

Tanka Gautam, Advocacy and Capacity Building of CBNOs

Mr. Tanka Gautam has a Master’s Degree in Rural Development from Tribhuvan University. Mr. Gautam has 30 years of experience in Integrated Community Development and various training and workshops on social mobilisation, leadership, advocacy, governance, inclusive education, education in emergencies and organisation development of ‘Community-based Network Organisation and coordination with Local Government.

Somaya Gurung, Administration and Finance Manager

Ms. Somaya Gurung has a Master Degree in Business Studies from Tribhuvan University. Ms. Gurung has 23 years of intensive experience and expertise in Financial Management, Compliance Monitoring, Grant Management, Internal Control Systems, Internal Auditing, Cash Flow Statements, and Financial Monitoring. Ms. Gurung is equally engaged in training deliveries and capacity building related to finance and administration.

Sujan Lal Shrestha, Livelihood Manager

Mr. Sujan Lal Shrestha graduated from Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science and Master’s Degree in Sociology from the University of Florida, USA. Mr. Shrestha possesses 20 years of experience in Livelihood and Nutrition, Micro Enterprises, Agricultural Action Research, Project Design and Execution, Inclusive Education, Youth development, Data management, and monitoring and evaluation.


Rumi Maharjan, Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator

Ms. Rumi Maharjan graduated in Social Work and has a Master's Degree in Social Work from Tribhuvan University. Ms. Maharjan has seven years of working experience in process documentation, knowledge product preparation, production and dissemination, data analysis and management, monitoring and evaluation, photo and video documentation and production, social media handling, and archiving documents.