By the end of 2019, more than 40,000 households and 1,557 Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) have been benefited from our community development work. In other words, 90,000 people are direct beneficiaries.
SAHAS Nepal achieved mobilization and organization of local communities. After being involved in SAHAS Nepal's projects for some time, local groups form their own network organization, which works as a body for managing their future development activities. These network-organizations are active and independent and thus prove that local development is possible with minimum external input and through capacity building of locals.
3 examples for CBO formation:
- Likhu Demba is a network-organisation of 116 groups. The approximately 920 members of this network are quite active in several fields like saving and credit, small farmer support and district level stakeholder programs. Moreover, they were able to acquire new partner-projects and to do fund-raising on their own.
- Gramin Mahila Jagaran Samuha is a network organization of 65 women's groups. The network exists for nearly 20 years and conducts various programs for the benefit of women.
- In Kothgadhi Shikar Samaj, 1400 members are organized in 83 groups, of which fifteen are women's groups, and eighteen are groups of Dalits. The network functions as a power source for the empowerment of its members.