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What We Have Done

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What We Have Done

By the end of 2024, through our development programmes and projects, we have been able to benefit over 100, 000 people belonging to 40,000 rural households, 1,705 Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and established 35 network organisations of these CBOs. We supported the communities for overcoming poverty, improving their livelihood, building capacity to cope with the shocks and emergencies, and enabled them to influence the policy for socio-economic and institutional transformation in their favour. 

Our broad focus of the past development interventions and achievements included: (i) Agriculture and livestock, (ii) food and nutrition security (iii) rural-resource based livelihood and income generation, (iv) education (formal and non-formal), (v) health (including reproductive, safe motherhood, HIV/AIDS and child health) and sanitation, (vi) physical infrastructure development (school and community buildings, roads, bridges, irrigation, and drinking water systems, water-mills, etc.), (vii) rural micro-finance/saving and cridit and enterprise development, (viii) community level institutional development, (ix) environmental concerns and climate change (bio-diversity conservation, forest protection, promotion of smokeless stove, solar-energy, waste water management, (x) awareness creation on various socio-cultural, political, economic and institutional contexts, (xi) job-oriented skill development training, (xii) advocacy (at micro, meso-community, RM and District levels and macro at the national level with an alliance with otherI/NGOs) for influencing policy, (xiii) participatory action research (dealing with the current issues/problems of the communities), etc.   

While working with the development programmes in these areas, we deliberately incorporated ‘gender equality and social inclusion’ into the intervention process as a cross-cutting theme to provide a sense of inclusive governance and development. Besides that, we also included cross-cutting issues like GESI, youth development and Person with Disabilities in the project.