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Family Day

Family Day

  • 9th Mar, 2013

Family day is one such initiative; in which management team can strengthen their employees connect. This fun-activity based event provides the management team to know their people emotional, family side.This year family day was not only held for entertainment but also to provide opportunity for employees and to know their management and families as this event  gets all employees together on a common platform. Family day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues and relating to families and also organizational work, spouse or parents’ responsibility and challenges and also to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families and the organizational work. An employee’s family provides critically important support for the employee. Yet, in many situations, employees’ families have never even seen where their spouse, parent, or child goes to each day to work. By having a day and inviting employees’ families in such event, we can also help bridge this gap between work and home. As a result, this leads to better understanding of their family member’s jobs and place of work, and able to provide much-needed support from home.

Therefore, SAHAS-Nepal’s Central Office organized its 1st Family Day which was held on Saturday 9th March 2013. All employees are treated as ‘SAHAS’s family’ by the organization so that we all feel and experience of bonding and united.Different games were also organized to keep the kids happy. It was a great way of having fun while bonding with entire staffs’ family members where entire family participate in different activities such as cooking, serving, dancing and playing games. Further, games were also organized for the employees and prizes were also distributed. The day was wrapped up by Executive Director Dr. Surendra K. Shrestha through a formal thank you note for the employees who made this event possible. Similarly, other projected districts also organized its family day in the respective manner on different dates and these initiatives will be continuous in the future.